Supplements, Vitamins Essentials, and Grocery List
Healthy Nutrition is the key for transforming your body. A well balance meal with lots of protein and vegetables will feed your muscles.
Pick healthy and nutritious breakfast, lunch, snacks, and dinner. Be mindful
of condiments and sauces.
To simplify, take a multi-vitamin, vitamin C, D, and Omega 3.
It is always best practice to get your vitamins in choosing whole foods that have 1 ingredient. For example, eat the blueberries to get the antioxidants and fiber. We all need some supplements in getting our daily well balanced vitamins.
Try to it eliminate or minimize processed food.
For healthy balance daily nutrition consumption, be sure to consume 5 servings of protein, 4 fruits, and 5 vegetables in your daily diet, 3 healthy complex carbohydrates.
Drink up to 1 gallon of water daily.
Lean meat: Fish, chicken, beef, sirloin steak, filet mignon, shrimp, lobster, pork, crabs, scallops, oysters, beans, bacon, cheese.
Wild caught Fish is best: salmon, tuna, cod, Mahi Mahi, Trout, and Flounder
Substitute meats: tofu, tempeh, soy burger, quinoa burger, protein powder, whey, isolate whey, beets protein, and hemp.
Drink protein shakes with multi vitamins essentials.For protein shake, I like putting frozen fruits to thicken it like ice cream or milk
shake or more of a smoothie. It’s your preference.
Use whole foods for medicine and have variety of colorful vegetables and fruits
for balance.
One of the benefits of actually eating whole foods like a pear or mango is you
get the full nutrients and vitamins naturally. For example, mango is full of potassium and Vitamin C and other nutrients like B6, fiber, and iron.
Potassium is an essential electrolyte that helps regulate and counters sodium.
It also improves cardiovascular health and lowers blood pressure. Other benefits of potassium will protect against kidney stones, maintains bones and
muscles, and reduces swollen body and water retention.
Foods rich in potassium are spinach, watermelon, beets, white beans, salmon, coconut
water, edamame, sweet potatoes, pumpkins, banana, dates, apricots, black
beans, butternut squash, beets, brussel sprouts, Swiss chard, avocado, ,bok-
choy, broccoli , carrots, pomegranates, black eyed peas, papaya, tomatoes,
water chestnut, zucchini, water chestnuts, and raisins.
Potassium also sustains alkaline environment and the higher the alkalinity the
better. Disease cannot survive in high alkaline environment. The higher the
alkalinity is, the less risk of getting cancer and heart disease.
High fiber diet also has numerous benefits. It regulates digestion and lowers
bad cholesterol. A recommended intake of about 16 grams per day is
beneficial. High fiber foods include raspberries, oats, chickpeas, grapes,
raisins, black beans, blueberries, lentils, apple, pear, almonds, popcorn,
strawberries, quinoa, banana, carrots, avocado, and broccoli.Essential Vitamins
Eat your Vitamins in Whole Foods, whole fruits, whole vegetables
Vitamin A
This vitamin is essential to maintain a healthy normal growth and development. It is beneficial for night vision. Vitamin A - Foods include eggs, milk, carrot, cabbage, liver, papaya, butter
Vitamin B
This vitamin is essential to ensure body’s cells are functioning well by converting food into energy. It is beneficial in creating new blood cells, maintain healthy skin cells, brain cells, and helps with your metabolism. Vitamin B - Foods include banana, vegetables, tomato, potato, and peanuts.
Vitamin B1
This vitamin is also called thiamin that helps convert food into glucose to produce energy. It is beneficial in preventing any complications in the brain, heart, stomach, intestine, and nervous system. Vitamin B1 – Foods include potato, beef, meat, milk, peas, soy beans, wholegrain cereals
Vitamin B2
This vitamin is riboflavin which is beneficial in reducing inflammation on nerves for migraine headaches and stress. Deficiency of B2 are digestive problems, fatique, cracks around the corner of mouth. Vitamin B2 – Foods include cheese, milk, soy beans, green vegetables, meat
Vitamin B6
This vitamin is pyridoxine which is beneficial for brain function, PMS, anemia, and improves immune functions. Vitamin B6 helps combat anemia, muscle repair and converts proteins, fats, and carbohydrates into glucose. Deficiency of vitamin B6 includes dermatitis, anemia, swollen tongue, scaling around the mouth and weakened immune system. Vitamin B6 – Foods include nuts, milk, meat, fish, and peas.
Vitamin B12
This vitamin is a nutrient that helps make DNA and keeps your cells healthy. It boost energy which helps in weight loss, improves your memory, and help prevent heart disease. Vitamin B12 converts your food molecules into energy. It also helps increase the production of melatonin at night which helps in sleeping. Vitamin B12 – Foods include eggs, milk, cheese, liver, meat.
Vitamin C
This vitamin is an antioxidant has many health benefits. It helps protect your cells from radicals, lowers blood pressure, improves your immunity, reduces heart disease with your triglyceride levels, improves skin tightening and brightening, hydrating, protects sun damages from UV rays, prevent gout attacks, better memory, fights against the common cold, protects against eye disease like cataracts, boost collagen production, evens out skin tone, and improves iron absorption.
Vitamin C – Foods include oranges, grapes, lemon, tomato, and guava.
Vitamin D
This vitamin is a fat soluble vitamin that helps the body retain calcium and phosphorus which are critical in building bone and maintaining healthy bones and teeth.
Vitamin D has many benefits to help lower blood pressure, lowers risk of heart disease, prevents some cancer, strengthen your immune system, boosts your mood, lowers the risk of type 2 diabetes, and help carry messages between the brain and the body to keep our cells functioning well. You can get Vitamin D by getting sunlight outside. Foods include Milk, eggs, fish, and liver.
Vitamin E
This vitamin is a fat soluble nutrient that helps maintain healthy skin, eyes, and increases the capillary circulation in the scalp for hair growth. It helps fight against infections, illnesses, eye disorder. This vitamin is an antioxidant that fight against reproductive disorder and keeps your blood and brain healthy, and reduces heart disease that helps reduce LDL, the bad fat. It also helps reduce fatty liver. Vitamin E – Foods include green vegetables, almonds, eggs, bananas, wheat, and soy.
Drink up to 1 gallon of water
Stay healthy by eating good nutritious foods that has these natural vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants and take supplements as recommended by your doctor.
Vitamin K
This vitamin is an essential vitamin that helps protect collagen in the body and helps in building bones. A healthy collagen production helps your skin appear more smooth, plump, elasticity, and youthful. It helps the regeneration of hair strands that helps thickens the hair naturally. It helps reduce dark circles under the eyes and puffy eyes. Prothrombin depends on vitamin K needed for blood clotting. Deficiency includes bruising, bleeding hemorrhage from the nose, stomach, or intestine. Blood may also appear in urine or stool. Vitamin K - Foods include lettuce, spinach, meat, tomato, soy beans, and turnip.
This vitamin is extremely essential for maintaining strong bones. It’s essential for your heart and muscles to function properly and it helps the body use amino acid for better sleeping. It helps balances pH levels and transports nutrients through the body. Leafy green vegetables and dairy products such as yogurt, milk, cheese, soybeans, salmon, figs, beans are high in calcium.
Well and Balance
Tuna Sashimi spinach salad is a great example of fully loaded protein and green leafy nutritious food.
Eat a well balance meal with lots of protein and vegetables will feed and fuel your muscles. Be mindful of getting all the vitamins in food so that you have a healthy nutritious food. The more colorful your food, the healthier it is by eating more vegetables and fruits.
Meals Ideas