Join us in 40 Day Transformation Journey

The ONE Strong Foundation is a Fitness Program with a Purpose Series:



    Love like Jesus

     John 15:4-5

    Remain in me, as I also remain in you.  No branch can bear fruit by itself, it must remain in the vine.  Neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in me.  I am the vine, you are the branches.  If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit, apart from me you can do nothing.

    Jesus is the WAY, the TRUTH, and the LIFE.   No one comes to the Father except through him. 

    Join us on a 40 DAY TRANSFORMATION JOURNEY and Let Jesus Create in YOU a Lovely Mind, Body, and Spirit.


    • Daily Devotional, Motivation, Inspiring a Healthy Lifestyle
    • Daily Fitness Exercise, bootcamp style, 10 K Training Plan
    • Feed your Mind God's Word and let us all learn to love one another
    • Let us Focus on Jesus and learn about His character
    • Keep our eyes on Jesus
    • Jesus wants you to love them anyways even when they hurt you
    • Jesus wants you to forgive them even when they have misjudged you
    • Jesus wants you to be kind to them even when they are unkind 
    • Jesus wants you to direct them to Christ even when they are lost
    • Love like Jesus - Fitness Training with a Purpose -
    • Get your Program ➡️ PDF Digital Copy


    New YOU in CHRIST 

    • Join us on a 40 DAY TRANSFORMATION JOURNEY and Allow Jesus to Create in YOU a New Mind, Body, and Spirit
    • Daily Devotional, Motivation, Inspiring a Healthy Lifestyle
    • God is not disappointed in you, He loves you and wants you to love Him because you have been made righteous through Christ.



      New YOU in CHRIST.

      • 40 Days of applying God's teachings in your life 
      • Record your journey with the transformation.
      2 Corinthians 5:17 NLT
      This means that anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person. The old life is gone, a new life has begun !!!!
      • You are a New person in Christ.
      • You are a child of God.
      • You have a New Heart.
      • You have a New Life.
      • You have a New Mind.
      • You have the New Holy Spirit.
      • You have discernment to hear God's voice.
      • You have a new attitude with a gratitude. 
      • You will be a blessing and produce much fruits with the fruits of the Spirit : love, kindness, goodness, faithfullness, self-control, patience.
      • Allow Jesus to transform you in giving you a
      • New Mind, Body, and Spirit in Christ.
      • Jesus wants your heart.
      • Jesus loves YOU.  All of YOU.

      New You in Christ - Fitness Training with a Purpose - Get your Program ➡️ PDF Digital Copy


      A Grateful Heart with an Attitude of Gratitude

      • Join us on a 40 DAY TRANSFORMATION JOURNEY with a Grateful Mind, Body, and Spirit
      • Daily Devotional, Motivation, Inspiring a Healthy Lifestyle


      1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

      Rejoice Always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances.  For this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus.


      During this Thanksgiving Season, let us be transformed by Jesus in telling everyone we LOVE and interact with how grateful we are for them and how much we appreciate  them.


      40 Day Transformation of focusing in God’s goodness in your life and being grateful for Jesus.  Let’s not take anything for granted and let us count all our blessings.  Being grateful in all circumstances will renew your mind and will fill your heart with God’s love.

      This transformation is a blessing for me and my family for God has restored my siblings relationship and we are united in Christ.


      Let us forgive one another as Christ forgiven us.


      Let us listen to God's voice, the voice of truth, the gentle voice, the good voice, and the voice that produces the fruits of the Spirit which is love, kindness, gentleness, patience, faithfulness, goodness, and self-control.


      Let us learn to identify the enemy's voice of lies and negative thoughts and let us battle it with God's word which is the HOLY Bible and put on the full armor of God to fight any spiritual warfare.


      • 40 Days of applying God's teachings in your life
      • Record your journey with the transformation.

      Grateful Heart - Fitness Training with a Purpose
      Get your program ➡️ PDF Digital copy