Stronger You in Christ - Mind, Body, Spirit
BE the Person GOD Created YOU to BE
Disciplined Mind. Healthier Body. Loving Spirit.
Matthew 7:24
Anyone who listens to my teachings and follows it is WISE, like a person who builds a house on a solid Rock. Rain comes and floodwaters rise and winds beat against that house and it won't collapse because it's built on a bed rock.
Jesus is my ROCK - The ONE Strong Foundation
Fitness Programs with a Purpose
Trinity Broadcasting Network (TBN) - Trilogy Christian Publishers
Stronger You in Christ Amazon Kindle or Softcover Paperback
Love like Jesus with a Lovely Mind, Body, and Spirit
40 Days Transformation Journey is a Fitness Program with a Purpose so...
New YOU in Christ with a new mind, body, and spirit
Jesus said I have forgiven you, the old is past, and you...
Grateful Heart with a grateful mind, body, and spirit
Attitude of Gratitude with a Grateful Heart This 40-Day Transformation Journey is...
A Stronger You in Christ
Be Disciplined in all areas of your life. BE the BEST ALL...
An Awesome College Students in Christ
Do you want an awesome student guide for college? Do you want...
An Amazing HighSchool Student in Christ
Get ready for your life to change to be the BEST version...
Fitness Training
Live the LIFE God intended you to have
God First. Daily Devotional.
Christ Centered
Be Disciplined in ALL areas of your LIFE.
Be Resilient in all Circumstances.
Live a fruitful life: love, joy, peace, hope, grateful, godly character.
Let Jesus transform you with 40 Days Transformation Journey Fitness Programs with a Purpose.
Love one another and Serve People in your community.
Pray all throughout the day.
Deep Relationship with Jesus.
Do God's WILL
Jesus is my ALL in ALL. Philippians 4:13 - I can do ALL things with Christ.